
Posted on: Fri, Aug 11, 2023
Category: Documentary
Description: Sarajevo, Kreševljaković home; Hamdija Kreševljaković with band aid and a bullet. Throughout history, good neighborly relations have been essential in Sarajevo. People visit each other, socialize, and help one another. In the city's tradition, there is a saying that neighbors are more important than relatives. During the war, the importance of these relationships was even more remarkable. People tried to share the food they had among themselves. A neighbor is someone you turn to when you find yourself in a difficult situation. In the case of war, this was the situation where a neighbor comes to ask for a medical plaster because he has just removed a sniper bullet from his back with pliers. This surreal scene describes the reality of life in which the residents of Sarajevo lived.
Archival Holding: Library Hamdija Kreševljaković Video Arhiv Sarajevo
Archival Date: 1992
Archival Collection: Kreševljaković siblings' collection
Archival Author: Nihad Kreševljaković