
Posted on: Tue, May 7, 2024
Category: Documentary
Description: Nebojša Šerić Šoba was already a well-known figure in Sarajevo's alternative music scene and a student at the Academy of Arts before the siege began. Although he spent the war on defense front lines, he used his free time by appearing as the bassist of the rock band Sikter or filming with his video camera. During one of his shootings, he gave a statement about the meaning of art and creating art during the war. Used in the film DO YOU REMEMBER SARAJEVO (2001) by Sead Kreševljaković, Nihad Kreševljaković and Nedim Alikadić.
Archival Holding: Library Hamdija Kreševljaković Video Arhiv Sarajevo

Archival Collection: Kreševljaković siblings' collection