• UWS-V-M-0006
    1992-1996, 2017, 2024
    Un-war Space Lab

    The Limeni Most (Sheet Metal Bridge) was hastily constructed as a wire rope bridge shortly after the destruction of the Kamenica Bridge in 1993. Its name originates from the metal sheets used to pave its surface. The primary objective was to restore communication between the two sides of the Neretva River. However, despite its initial purpose, the bridge faced significant challenges, particularly during the winter months when the river's water level rose. Its insufficient height rendered it impractical for long-term use, leading to the need for a more viable solution. Ultimately, the construction of the Tenzin Bridge, situated several metres upstream, provided more permanent and efficient river crossing.

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  • UWS-V-M-0003
    2017, 2024
    Un-war Space Lab

    Post-war visual documents of the military waste in the river waters and on the river bank

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  • UWS-V-M-0002
    1992-1996, 2017, 2024
    Un-war Space Lab

    Archival and post-war visual documents of the Bunur Bridge. The Bunur Bridge was constructed in 1993 amid the widespread destruction of the city of Mostar. As all previous bridges had been demolished, citizens resorted to using improvised pontoon passages across the river. Testimonies suggest that these pontoons were not stable enough, prompting the need for building a sturdy bridge from available materials. The construction utilised sunshade metal structures taken from the terrace of nearby Hotel Energoinvest building and paved with wooden planks. The bridge served successfully as a passage during wartime. After the war ended, the present-day pedestrian The Bunur Bridge was built on the same location. The remnants of the original bridge can still be found at the bottom of the Neretva River bed.

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  • UWS-V-M-0005
    1992-1996, 2017, 2024
    Un-war Space Lab

    Archival and post-war visual documents of the Tenzin Bridge. The bridge ‘Tenzin’ is named after Tenzina street, which leads to the bridge from the eastern river bank. According to the memories of citizens, approach to this bridge was possible by passing through the courtyards of the private houses. During the war the bridge was used by military and citizens to connect two neighborhoods on the two different sides of the city, streets Luka - Maršala Tita street and Mahala - Gojka Vukovića street.

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  • UWS-V-M-0007
    1992-1996, 2017, 2024
    Un-war Space Lab

    Archival and post-war visual documents of the Kamenica Bridge. Temporary bridge Kamenica was constructed on the Neretva river between autumn and winter in 1992. It was named after the location on the Neretva where it was built. During the war the bridge was used by military and citizens to reach neighborhoods on the two different sides of the city and streets Luka - Maršala Tita street and Mahala - Gojka Vukovića street.

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