• NNLC-V-P-0011
    Lumbardhi Foundation & Naci - Nafis Lokvica Archive

    After the departure of the Serbian population from Prizren, homes in the Podkalaja region, mostly inhabited by Serbian citizens, were burned by unidentified individuals.

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  • NNLC-V-P-0010
    Lumbardhi Foundation & Naci - Nafis Lokvica Archive

    After the war, due to damage to the telephone infrastructure, the local population couldn't communicate with refugee relatives. Some international civil society representatives and individuals provided services to the local people through satellite phones as a commercial activity.

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  • NNLC-V-P-0009
    Lumbardhi Foundation & Naci - Nafis Lokvica Archive

    The League for the Defense of the Rights of the Albanian Nation, established in Prizren in 1878, symbolized by the building known as the Prizren League, was bombed during NATO's air operation 1999. The perpetrators of the attack were not officially disclosed. Still, it is suspected that the Prizren League was bombed by Serbian paramilitaries or members of the Yugoslav Army under Serbian control.

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  • NNLC-V-P-0008
    Lumbardhi Foundation & Naci - Nafis Lokvica Archive

    After the withdrawal of the Serbian-controlled Yugoslav Army from Prizren, leaders of the Serbian community and representatives of the Serbian Church decided that Serbian citizens should temporarily leave Prizren. Subsequently, the Serbian population of Prizren organized and left the city within a few days.

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  • NNLC-V-P-0007
    Lumbardhi Foundation & Naci - Nafis Lokvica Archive

    On the first days of KFOR's arrival in Prizren, a Serbian individual with a weapon in his car was killed by German KFOR soldiers.

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  • NNLC-V-P-0006
    Lumbardhi Foundation & Naci - Nafis Lokvica Archive

    Tensions arose during the entry of KFOR troops into Prizren and the withdrawal of the Serbian-controlled Yugoslav Army from the city.

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  • NNLC-V-P-0005
    Lumbardhi Foundation & Naci - Nafis Lokvica Archive

    The entry of Turkish soldiers into Prizren under the KFOR mission was enthusiastically welcomed by the local population gathered in the city center.

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  • NNLC-V-P-0004
    Lumbardhi Foundation & Naci - Nafis Lokvica Archive

    Most KFOR forces, composed mainly of NATO countries, were welcomed with celebrations by the local population gathered in the city center upon entering Prizren. German soldiers were the first to enter Prizren under the KFOR mission, and the local people warmly greeted them.

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  • NNLC-V-P-0003
    Lumbardhi Foundation & Naci - Nafis Lokvica Archive

    A neighborhood primarily inhabited by those who migrated from the periphery to the city. Tusus neighborhood became a significant target for the Serbian-controlled Yugoslav Army in Prizren during 1998 and 1999 due to the higher participation of Albanian families living in the area in the Kosovo Liberation Army (UÇK).

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  • NNLC-V-P-0002
    Naci & Nafis Lokvica Collection Prizren

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  • NNLC-V-P-0001
    Naci & Nafis Lokvica Collection Prizren

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