• UWS-P-S-0001
    Un-war Space Lab

    Destructive methamorphosis. The photo is taken by the artist Zlatan Filipović.

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  • UWS-DWG-S-001
    Un-war Space Lab

    In 1994, architect Zoran Doršner produced a project under the title ‘Destructive Metamorphosis’ that was part of the ‘Sarajevo Dream and Reality’ exhibition. The work contains working sketches, illustrative architecture drawings of a residential unit before and after wartime changes, drawings of the civilian rescue equipment, and texts for the exhibition proposal and explanation of the work. The idea of ‘destructive metamorphosis’ proposed by Doršner represents a complex analytical process of the death of the city, its reconstruction, reproduction of space and life at the same time. These drawings show examples how interior spaces were rescaled, due to constructions protecting against bombs and cold weather, being used collectively by many people.

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  • UWS-V-S-0001
    Un-war Space Lab

    The video is part of the raw footage of the film ‘Sarajevo Diary: from Bad to Worse’ created by film director Dom Rotheroe and narrator Bill Tribe during the years 1992 and 1993. It shows a woman living in the high rise modernist building that was unsafe and exposed to war destruction. She was changing the interior of her flat during the war according to the shooting consequences. In this video she transformed the bullet hole into the doorbell using a children sleeping sound toy.

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